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I thought I knew my body until...

Movement Healer teaches Dance Medicine
Movement Healer teaches Dance Medicine

Hey hey guys, Shanda here! I wanted to share my story on a deeper level here with you. As a trained dancer and choreographer I thought I knew my body until I became pregnant. I had already faced losing my parents, starting two businesses, and getting married. But becoming pregnant forced me to start my own healing journey.


I was terrified of change, the future, and it was manifesting as physical pain.

​I decided to reach out to an old family friend who was a medium and spiritual healer. Minister Esprit, who began teaching me chakra-based and ancestral healing for my trauma and daily life.

​Working with Minister Esprit, my Master's Degree in Arts Management, and my career in dance and fitness, I developed a new integrative approach to healing. Calling it Healing Movement, which is also influenced by somatic and embodiment practices, I found a way to improve my physical, mental, and emotional as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Realizing I was losing weight, building muscle tone, and feeling clearer emotionally and spiritually, I decided to offer Healing Movement to others. This past April, I opened a studio and started using the practice to teach other women.


Working with organizations such as Metropolitan Human Services District, New Orleans Opera, and Essence Festival Wellness House, I have been educating and empowering women to heal and reconnect with their body and spirit.

My twins are now three years old, and I am beyond grateful to have the tools to stay present and grounded as a woman and mother. Most importantly, I get to teach my boys a level of self awareness and confidence that will last them a lifetime.

To all the momma's out there reconnecting with themselves, know that you can do it and it's possible!

Sending you so much love.


-Shanda <3

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